Yetilda the Keeper of Ice ✨
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Beyond the endless darkness and the northern lights there’s a village that flourishes full of nothing but snow and ice.
Home to all the friendly yetis and Yetilda, the keeper of ice. She takes care of them all, making sure they’re always full of delight, from frozen treats, and ice rock shaped jelly beans, cold as core carrots, and bread bricks of ice. It’s how the best ice sammiches are made, you’d droll over the smallest bite.
The yetis don’t speak, but they let their love be known, how else do you think Yetilda got such stylish jewelry and a fashionable coat? It was the yetis, duh, now you all know!!
Skuzz Rat’s Sparkly Rarity Ranking
- Giga Rainbow Sparkles = Crazy Ultra Rare 1/1 Custom
✨ Made with love and sparkles by Skuzz Rat for the 2023 Hupe Elephant Swap